Thursday, May 12, 2016

President Rod Duterte and the Rule of Law

Pre and post-election fever might be over for most of the Filipinos. I avoided much discussion (to prevent stress and wrinkles, the secret of my youth at 43) about the event and personalities whom I would vote and not and my reasons or motivation or bases of my decision. When Incoming-President Rod Duterte was reluctant in running for Presidency, I commented that he must. I believed in him (in fact, I applied in his office in Davao to be his Economic “adviser” in 2003. I don’t apply if I don’t believe someone to be my boss). When he ran, he was one of my shortlisted choices along with Hon Senator Grace Poe. When Senator Poe allied with LAKAS NUCD General Fidel Ramos (a neoliberal and architect of war economy in Philippines for profiteering of his war & defense manufacturing and supplies U.S. company), my list was left with one choice--- who was Rod Duterte. May 08, 2016, last day or vispera of the 2016, “papatayin ko kayong lahat!” (I will kill you all), still flashes and subtitledin TV news domestic channels warning the druglords. I was impressed by gallant President Duterte for his bravery and firm decision. Another good character of him which made me fall “in love” with him at first was his unshakeable position no matter how good or bad for the people’s perspective despite of criticism of different sectors and media. He can’t be swayed or influence by anyone nor group. A character of a king. I was thinking that his character and belief of delivering justice to the victims should go beyond imprisonment. Death for the offenders can sometimes satisfy justice requirements. This is the will of God. (Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to the king as the supreme authority, or to governors as those sent by Him to punish evildoers and praise (reward) well doers. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorance of foolish men. Live in freedom, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. (1 Peter 2:13-16)) However, the local peace and order and security situation is manageable like in Davao City. He can personally meet and witness or experience the facts and further establish the truths. He can kill. National situation, however is different from local. Mayor is different from President. I was expecting that he would modify his statements without changing his ideology about “justice.” He can put his ideology to legal perspective of bringing back the Death Penalty in Revised Penal Code of the Philippines instead of continuing his cinematic role of “Dark Justice.” I left my Ballot for President blank in May 9, 2016. Leaving it blank does not mean I don’t like him. It means my reservations about and I see spaces in his mind which are not cleared yet. Human Rights can be an issue. I believe in the due process of law and the rule of law and not the rule of man (submit yourselves to every human institution (in other translation it is the authority and or ordinance or law, 1 Peter 2:13). Kings and governors (presidents, PM,etc.) are likewise be feared and respected for they are the executives of the law. How can President Duterte qualify to be my personal president or angel of God if he can’t obey his own laws? To make the discussion exciting and appreciatiable, let us review some theories about the law. Natural lawyers argued that “what the law must be determined, in some sense, is by what the law ought to be,” while positivists lawyers contend that “what is law is determined only by the institutional facts internal to a legal system, facts that may or may not meet moral standards.” Positivists like Thomas Hobbes and John Austin,argued that even the legitimacy of law did not depend on moral criteria; law must be obeyed, however much it falls short of moral ideals. “What is the law for?” is the simple rephrased meaning of law according to Naturalists. Apostle Paul, the last messenger of God in these last days, mentioned in his letter to Timothy that “Now we know that the Law is good, if one uses it legitimately. We realize that law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious (to God), for the ungodly and sinful (good or not sinful atheists are not included), for the unholy and profane, for killers of father or mother, for murderers for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching…” (1 Timothy 1:10). The Positivists contended that law is to guide or control behaviours that is not moral sensitive. Death Penalty if enacted is immoral for others but the question of morality of the capital punishment does not make the law illegal or null or void. If the prohibition of an action, like not consented sex, must be obeyed for it breaks the spirit of victim. It must be obeyed whether immoral due to death punishment or not. The prohibition of selling drugs is another action which may fall to immoral or moral perspective of different sectors or individuals. ( I will discuss sometime, next to this essay, the moral and philosophical issue on selling drugs, legalization and or capital punishment reactivation. Does a dealer of 0.5 grams of coke and or coke or weeds justly punished with death while the dealer of the same in large scales earning millions for whims, caprices and power and influence punished by perpetua or even by death?). The natural and positivist laws, however are united to determine the essence of law in which Natural law can find popular expression in a society's ideology (immorality of extramarital sex, murders, homosexuality (prohibited in Arab or Shariah governments, open in democratic countries, human traffickers, etc.), and positivist legal institutions might reflect ideological beliefs (communism, capitalism, socialism, neoliberalism, rule of law or meta or extra-legal, reformism or revolutionism (armed) etc.) Both are for the benefit of the society particularly peace, order, and progress which proffer from the “rule of law.” My source, Christine Sypnowich from Oxford (2016), further discussed that all these point to another and related tension is the tension between the radical ideology view and the concept of the rule of law, the centerpiece of a liberal legal order. At their most basic, the terms the rule of law, due process, procedural justice, legal formality, procedural rationality, justice as regularity, all refer to the idea that law should meet certain procedural requirements so that the individual is enabled to obey it. The Marxist view of law as ideology does, after all, have some affinities with rival views on the sources of law. The Marxist view concedes to the positivist, for example, that law emerges from the practices of society or “norms”, though the practices are extra-legal -- political, economic and social -- rather than the practices of institutional facts internal to a legal system. Social forces are ultimately determining of the content and form of a legal system. The view of law as ideology, even in its radical variants, would not deny the presence of the rule of law in the liberal legal order; indeed, the rule of law is often invoked as a paradigmatic example of legal ideology (neoliberals put its ideology to laws like privatization, deregulation,, tariff-free market, anti-trust law, etc.). The right-wing thinkers like Frederick Hayek have lauded the rule of law for its essential role in buttressing the free market. Left wing and right wing thinkers are agreed, then, on the capitalist function of the rule of law. For the left-wing theorist of ideology, however, the rule of law also has ideological aspects that mean it serves capitalist purposes in more sinister ways. For in its restraint on political and legal power, the rule of law implies that these public forms of power are the only forms of power that exist, or at least the only ones that matter. As Raz (2007) put it, generality in the law, for example, does not necessarily entail any particular commitments on how the economy or society should be organized; nor does it propagate falsity or error. Nonetheless, it is true that the proceduralism of the rule of law can be put to ideological purposes, to deflect social criticism and prevent radical change. And if enthusiasts of the rule of law place enough emphasis on procedural justice, this can reduce the likelihood that more substantive conceptions of justice will have success. Historically, societies governed by the rule of law have tended to be structured by capitalist markets, suggesting an affinity between the two sets of institutions. The rule of law can have an ideological effect even if it is not ideological in its essence. The observation of Raz is true in some countries but false in other countries particularly the Arab and monarchist countries. Neoliberals used brutal force (terrorism) or militia or local belligerents to overthrow the monarchs and governments and install their new “kings” presidents and form of government to openly legislate laws or putting neoliberal ideology of enjoying life in profit and accumulation of wealth into legal perspectives. All wings including the mainstream capitalists and neoliberals use laws and extra and metal legal procedures in advancing their ideologies. Let us go back to the question of [h]ow can President Duterte qualify to be my personal president or angel of God if he can’t obey his own laws? While my readers are figuring out to answer my question, I would like to ask another question which might be the interest of others who do not get excited by my issue about President Durterte. I did not vote for President Duterte, will the incoming President hire and appoint me to be his Secretary of Education?

Friday, April 3, 2015

Biblical Myth of Santa Cena, Le Samaine Sainte and Eucharists

The Biblical Myth of (INC of Felix Manalo) Santa Cena, (Protestant) Jewish Passover and (Catholic) La Semaine Sainte esp Eucharists and Stations of the Cross of Religions Nowadays. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you : do this in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. (Luke 22:19-20) And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat ; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it ; for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Mat 26:26-28) Jesus Christ's instruction to us to do the eating and drinking of bread as His body and wine as His blood is not literal. He always speaks in parable. It is the sharing of His body or Himself (truth, words of God) to others as they are shared to us and as we eat Him by ourselves; and the drinking of His blood is the declaration to the world of His love for us which He gave His life for the remission of our sins. If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (John 15:23) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you : and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world. (Mat 28:19-20) And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. (Mark 16:20) Did Jesus Christ die on Thursday or Friday as He resurrected on Sunday? Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day. (Luke 24:46) In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.… “(Jesus Christ) is not here, for He is risen, as sepulchre said. (Mat 28:1)

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Role of Women

Role of Women at Home (This is a part of the Conceptual Framework used by EVSU students working on their thesis) Let us take some Biblical verses to reconsider them (roles) and evaluate the socio-psychological perspective and traditional behaviours of families and communities are whether they are Christians or they are becoming deviants deceived by Satan who uses Biblical verses as well. Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A wife should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over her husband ; she must be quiet. (1 Corinthians 14:33-35,1 Timothy 2:9-15) The verses cited may be the cause of women’s silent attitude that constructed the culture of silence. The verses however do not teach applicable to all situations but in churches which means the discussions are concern of the church pertaining to spiritual growth and dynamics of the followers. The verses have nothing to do with the freedom of women to teach husbands in any other spheres of life---like how cook, how to change the diapers of their baby, operate appliances or the profession of the wife as accountant, nurse, lawyer, computer or in any other things that a wife knows which the husband has no idea at all. Other verses for considerations, "To be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. ..that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers (work at home in other versions), good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house (work at home in other versions) , give no opportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some have already" turned aside after Satan. (Titus 2:5) Women accepted their role and by the community that women should stay at home and do the household chores and child rearing as the Christian teachings emphasized on women to be “working at home”, “homemakers”, “managing the house.” It must be understood however that the verses never outlined neither enumerated the specific chores for women at home and never prohibit women to work outside for economic means of the family as help to their husbands’ meager income. It should be noticed that the instruction to work at home or manage is a caution to avoid any reviling against the word of God. A woman who stays most of the time in any others house, a busy buddy and gossipers are not acceptable to Christian standards of behaviours. Bearing or rearing children means loving the children. This is not exclusive for wives or mothers but also the responsibilities of husbands or fathers. The economic provisions are not exclusive for men and do not prohibit women to engage in work outside their house. “(W)omen were helping to support them out of their own means. “ (Luke 8:3) Women’s personality and character of caring can be attributed to Christian values as well. “…caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. (A woman) is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people (part of Jewish culture, but considered as metaphor for it is mentioned that those who bathed should wash feet only which means that there is no need to reiterate the words (water) of God but to remind (not teaching) insertion by Agustin), helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds. If any believing woman has relatives who are widows, let her care for them. Let the church not be burdened, so that it may care for those who are truly widows. ( 1 Timothy 5:16, 1Timothy 5:10) The role of women inside the house as children is more soft and thoughtful than men. It can be rooted to the teaching of Christ through Apostle Paul: “But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God.” (1 Timothy 5:4) The attributes of Filipino women characters are most likely the legacy of the Spanish conquistadores who spread the Christian teachings in the Philippines. These include the role of women as wives. “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians11:3) The falsely taken patriarchal upbringing with its machismo and a touch of misogyny came uplater with the Spanish colonization. In the early Philippines there had always been an egalitarian relationship not only between husband and wife, but also in the upbringing of offsprings. The early Filipinos gave equal importance to both male and female offsprings (Titgemeyer, 1998). ‘Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives.” (1 Peter 3:1). The quietness of wives as required by Christ is misinterpreted to silence or passiveness. Culture of silence among women is is almost perpetuated due to lack of understanding. Silence or passiveness is never a proper conduct or exemplary behavior but worsen the problem. If a husband is irresponsible, nagging or violent behavior as worse as silence and passiveness will never solve the issue. Showing the husbands how things are done may move him to share responsibilities as well. The morality on marital life of couples, women are more moral or conscientious of avoiding extramarital affairs. Even the husbands are into womanising or other vices wives remain in union to their husbands. This is also may be rooted Christian teachings. “To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11New International Version (NIV)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 Annual Message of the Chairman

Year 2014 has ended. With hopes and vision, we started it nothing from the ruins of super typhoon Haiyan. Optimistically with great enthusiasm, our pace continued and with available resources at hand, we never falter nor pause. It is regretful that we as group lost the opportunity to be of help to the victims. The individual contributions of comrades from rescue, relief operations to recovery in different avenues outside the framework are highly appreciated no matter how simple and unpublicised. As we continue, we developed new ideas for rania Child Development Center (rCDC) and its would-be community policy, revision and updates of curricula—school and subjects, evaluation methods and instruments, and additional and realignment strategies for incoming operations. The registration to Department of Trade and Industry expired last November 2014 and renewed with new address with Barangay Colawen, Pastrana, Leyte from Makati City. Surigao is still part of the plan. The registration to UKCC for international operation is on preparation pending UK government requirements. As we lack enough access to resources to work and start, we worked individually in 2014 as Alexander the Great’s army in diversity, scattered for survival and family needs but we don’t lost the courage to remain and look forward to be together to work as one for our vision. The facilities---school buildings, sports and recreation complex, housing units and dormitories, and farm facilities remained in blue print for inaccessible funds. The hiring and training programs for professionals, social workers and volunteers to work with pending implementation dependent on the budget release. The benefactors in 2014, four (4) generous persons came with multi-million funding proposals but all are rejected by your humble Chairman for the risks involved. UNDP grant of GBP500,000 through the U.N. Foundation (which approved and certified in 2011) remains part of rCDC outstanding fund. UNDP through its representative, in 2013demanded an accomplishment report. I transmitted a message to UNDP for my failure to submit a report and my explanation is reconsidered. Before the end of 2014, UNDP notified me of the UNDP findings on its financial report that the fund granted to rCDC of GBP 500,000 is unliquidated. The UNDP insinuated the submission of liquidation report. So as expected, your Chairman explained again. The explanation I made to UNDP is almost the same with the 2013 explanation. How can I submit a liquidation (like in 2013 accomplishment) report if the fund is not spent for it is not released to me by the paying bank? I suggested to the concerned bank and UNDP to release my fund to my bank account but both failed for their irregular and extortionist and corrupt procedures of payment. UNDP is shameless and insensitive (makapal ang mukha) in demanding reports from me. Another GBP500,000 fund (from my personal fund), for construction of facilities in Pastrana, Leyte, is unlawfully held by FinCEN of U.S. Treasury. The US$5.8 Million fund of rCDC and other funds of $10 Million and $15 Million are also held unlawfully by IMF. I made some compromises and negotiated with Ms Christine Lagarde but to no avail. Both FinCEN and IMF suffering from paranoia and controlled by Satan, do not formally and criminally charge me nor rCDC in Court for any offense or violation as they do not have any valid issues against me as they insinuated “tax evasion, “money-laundering”, “terrorist financing” ek ek. They just do not want to release our funds to delay our charitable and humanitarian undertakings. Less than a month before the end of the year, we suffered again from another super typhoon Ruby and storm Seniang. With God’s mercy and love, we remain standing. Let us all welcome year 2015 with unfaltering but stronger hopes. We wish to start rCDC operations in this year. God bless you all and I wish you and your family the bests in life free from worries and deceptions. I desire you to be free from desiring the deceptive bests in life for they pull you far away from the real good things in life. RANNIE C. AGUSTIN Chairman

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Independence is not always good...

Scottish government published through GERS the Scotland’s Public Finances to justify and give meaning to the cause of INDEPENDENCE from UK. I picked some important figures and facts to help the electorate understand in simple ways the basis of the YES! advocates. In 2012-2013 total public spending of Scotland was estimated to £65.2 bn while the onshore tax receipts were £47.6 bn. With the offshore tax receipts, Scotland received a total amount of £53.1 bn. The deficit is obviously reached to £12.1bn. From 2008 to 2013 as a whole, net fiscal deficit on the average is £10.3 bn. Scottish government concluded that Scotland spending is 9.3% of UK total spending while UK receives 9.5 % of the total UK revenue. (Obviously, there is 0.2% difference and anyone may ask where the 0.2% “surplus” go?) Scottish government further concluded that Scotland has been in a relatively stronger fiscal position then UK. But despite of this, Scottish taxpayers, on per capita basis, are paying £10,000 and higher compare to other UK taxpayers’ £8,800. A difference of £1,200.00 in "favour" of non-Scots British. But how much is the actual tax payment of each Scottish? The individual in majority of the tax payers in labour force? There are so many gray areas in per capita basis. It does not guarantee a regressive and oppressive tax scheme. With deciving facts and figures partially presented, the Scottish government finally concluded that Scotland Independence is necessary. Accordingly, with Independence, Scotland revenue will reach £57,3 bn from offshore tax receipts and £6.9bn from offshore tax receipts, a combined receipts of £64.2 bn. Further, with independence, Scottish government “will have the ability to tailor policy and create the conditions for the economy to grow, opportunities for productivity performance enhancement, job creations. The premises and arguments presented by Scottish government do not logically justified the conclusion and call for INDEPENDENCE. The deficits mentioned above are expected to decline based on estimated combined receipts of £64.2 bn against the £65.2 bn (let me use this 2012-2013 figure) will give Scotland a £1 bn deficit in 2016-2017. The revenue however is based on the £110/barrel assumption and this assumption works in a market-oriented framework. This is not acceptable. Nationalisation programs should not work and follow the market value to meet the object of giving the constituent-consumers both residents and businesses less expensive products for the benefit of increasing their purchasing power, higher real wages; and lower input costs and competitive market price for businesses which are expected to be at advantage and creating more jobs as the nationalisation stimulates the economy and positioned competitively in global market. Thus revenue estimates can be higher but will not come from offshore tax receipts but surplus from oil and gas generation and onshore tax receipts from income taxes and VAT,etc. The revenue increases however does not give Scottish the guarantee of declining deficit once Scotland independence is realized. The 0.2% difference from 9.3% UK spending for Scotland and 9.5% UK revenue from Scots is, I can say hypothetically , used and spent for National Defense and Home Security, Foreign Mission and International Relations, Debt Services, reserves increases, UK as a creditor-nation, loans to foreign countries, and Intelligence which may not be subject to public disclosure. (NAO provides Whole of Government Accounts in consolidated financial information without the notes and particulars. I do not have access to other information I need to find out the facts about my hypothesis). This will give us an idea that the same expenditures will be given attention by Scottish government and fund more than £20 bn per year. Thus the deficit of £1 bn in 2016-2017is not realistic and the tax reform policy of Scotland will be regressive to meet the deficit and risk averse to propagated lower tax payments and tax control will be no longer part of the constituents but lies and confined to Scottish government which has no any other choice but to be tyrant cause by the pressure of deficit. One important fact to be considered by Scottish people is the 9.3% UK spending for Scottish is higher compare to other UK nationals. Scottish people is 8.3% only of the UK total population. The public spending for Scotland can be proportionately decreased to 8.3% of UK total revenue equal to other UK peoples. But equality of 1:1 does not guaranty a just governance and treatment. UK spends more for Scottish on social and welfare services particularly to a large number of elder and aged Scottish. The Scottish policy for economic growth inclusive of tax reform, productivity, and job creations are not confined exclusively to UK Parliament. Scottish Parliament can push and realize the same objects even in unity with UK. Politicking in Scottish Parliament derails the legislations of necessary changes for Scottish. Too much politics is a mess. Management of Scotland is necessary to realize the objects of equitable distribution of resources and generation of revenue (tax policy independence can be done through Scottish Parliament in coordination with and not for approval of UK Parliament to define the tasks of HMRC and HM Treasury) through Parliamentary debate and legislation and this is the purpose of representation. The Scottish Parliament must be abolished if Referendum is a solution to simple problem and objects. Scottish people and residents and businesses should not be alienated. They should continue enjoy their tax payments through quality and satisfactory public services, as a confirmation of their empowerment and let them meet the needs (if there are any or the 0.2%) of other UK peoples. Let the mutual dependency continue. “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being..” 1 Corinthians 10:24 Otherwise Scotland is waging war against the Queen's government.

It's good to be back!

It has been a long time since my last visit and blog. I adventured in Social Media and find an interactive venues for my thoughts. I ve found new friends and acquaitances and of course it cannot be avoided to have enemies because of my unique orientation. IAfter several years of exchanges of thoughts and ideas< I abandoned Facebook for my rights are violated by FB. My safety and rights to due process of law and rule of law pertaining to freedom of expression and choice are not protected but abused by Mark's Zuckerberg's (who is a good friend of mine) social media. Mark cannot do anything about it but since he joined the public market, he cannot just control his company. Mark and me are into legal dispute preparation against FinCEN, a U.S. financial agency under US Treasury Department for unlawfully freezing my fund of PhP37,000,000.00 for my charity trust for children in conflict and at-risk. It is ironic that we (with Mark)are fighting for the rule of law and international human rights against the tyranic FinCEN yet Mark's FB company is violating human rights. Consistency in principles is hard to keep when wealth is at stake.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

isang pakikipagbalik-tanaw sa isang kaibigan...

• Rannie Agustin: Idol ka dida.. ako ngani it na pa long hair kay huna ko nga long hair ka la guihap.. over age na kita para SUARA. In the first place waray na an SUARA. Waray ito maka survived han crises among progressives. But one is correct in our analyses. Youth is very fluid and transient. Waray permanente. Ha pagkayana it usa nga failure naton, an aton members and sector in general dominated la guihapon han culture han panahon ni Antonio Gramsci. Common sense han proletariat caused us to fail. An aton alternative wara maka survived. It kadam-an na corrupt han prevailing system. others enjoy it, some are scared to be sidelined or persecuted. Look at yourself, do you think your barber cut is the standard in the society? Is it the only haircut acceptable to the society? what about your financial status? our comrades would like to be rich and struggling to be rich for acceptance and recognition in the society. Look at me, I am poor still, rubbish and sometimes filthy, but I am human being and struggling to be accepted as equal among human beings regardless of social status. Waray ako common sense.
Gramsci has great influence on me. I established an advertising company. With the belief that media with alternative information and educative format of broadcasting and journalism and creativity, values formation aimed to our envisioned society will materialise. We catalysed and voiced out our aspirations on different avenues bur we must work with the peoples we have had in our struggles. This is in line with Organic Intellectuals objectives. but media is the best medium for transforming the individuals instead of immersing to different and several sectors. Now I am starting on our charity trust. Education sector with great consideration to family values and community development. I believe that revolutionising oneself and individuals through education will set us free.
guin-mingaw ka ha akon? damo it akon guin biyahe... tikang han akon ka exposed as Chairman han aton Student Council nga hayag nga dire na support it national democracy, pumutok an akon ngaran ha UP progressive student leaders. an aton SR hi Sally duro it kabigit kay guinpa padisqualify ko an ira candidate for SR. KJay madire kita nga sige it pakigbisog ha sulod nga ND na framework pero bis talagudti nga issue ha UP dire nareresolve or simply overlooked. Scientific man ada it call, so kinahanglan it problema ha UP students sector, it cause it angay i-approach hin sakto nga istratehiya. UP diliman and los banos candidate an nag squeezed ha akon para malikayan an dumot han mga affected groups. dire ito dida natima. huna ko okay na. pero han pag star ngan pag area ko ha nort (samar), may nagtimbre nga markado ako. so lunmakat ako hin tigda. waray ako makagsarit ug turn over han akon, D & R han aton SUARA VP. Nag immersed ako in different sectors, hasta nga unulpot an time nga Iguinrindog namon ni Shalemar Buenaventura an AdPact Advertising. Pero nawara it kumpanya ha sakto nga dalan ngan purpose. Profit and nagin sole objective ito. Hi padi Shalemar, may common sense to the extent ne naging sakit it nga malignant. Naging GREEDY ngan TUSO. Iya iguin issue an mga authorised capital for subscriptionngan iya guin purchase it kadm-an (waray board resolution ngan akon approval, Chairman ako ito ngan waray approval from SEC) tapos the following days nagdeclare hiya hin DIVIDENDS. hiya it gumanansya hin tini-upay. kami ni Cyril, chuck mao, mga stockholders nga waray katagi hin dividends. Kaso. ESTAFA and Falsification of documents against Shalemar and Adelina Atienza (auntie ko nga nag finance ha mga stockholders), et al. An problema, Napreso liwat ako ha Mandaluyong in 2005, na busy liwat ako han akon kaso. napreso liwat ako han 2009 ngada ha 2010. hasta pa yana, waray ito aaksyone han commission ni Etta Rosales, kon nakilala ka, IPER ito hiya an hadi.
An nakadi ako ha Norte, usa ako han volunteer ha human rights group, ngan confidential OI. An aton taktika, immersion ngan pag-edukar han sektor. pero an pan hitabo nga guin tahapan ako nga "counter revolutionary". An mga tawo ni Tabara ha norte, naalrama han aton istorya, analisis, ngan pama-agi. an panahon nga nawara ako ha grupo, usa nga panhibuot han Ginoo. Narealise ko na sayop an taktika ito nga panahon ngan ha pagkayana. Dire kinahanglan hin face to face, ngan nasupak ito ha liberating o dialogical na proseso. banking or brainwashing la guihapon it akon pagkita han OI style naton an hadi.. Usa nga sayop ha analyses an TATSULOK nga stuctura han sociedad kun hain natikang an pagtalumpigos ngan pagpugong ngan pagabusar han mga katungod ug pagkatawo han mga pobre. An ruling elite dire man gud nakontrol han mga middle bases han struktura. An nakada ha butnga an nakontrol han mga elite nga a-ada ha tuktok. Pinaagi han salapi ngan influensya. an ruling elite kaupod an nakada ha butnga, may struggle para power, wealth and resources against lower ug lowest base. it lower base ug lowest base may ada guihapon conflict among themselves. Asya it akon experiences han akon mga immersion ha durudilain nga organisasyon ug sector. Kitaon naton, ha sakob hin usa ng pobre nga pamilya, natikang an konflict. may mga struggles for different interests. paggawas ha panimalay, ha neighborhood ug community may conflict guihapon kay asya naman it upbringing. asya liwat ito ha sakob hin mga guiririkohi nga mga pamilya ug communities. ada ha cultura, atittude han tagsa tagsa nga individual. sanglit an media ug eskuwelahan and pinaka epektibo nga pama-agi para han pag-edukar, dedukar han mga tao. An immersion ko han mga urhi nga mga panahon, dire pag brainwash, ug pag edukar. pagkuha hin sakto nga mga panhitabo para mas sakto nga impormasyon ngan analyses. Solusyon pinaagi ha media ug eskuwelahan. Pero sakto la-guihapon an analysis of apparatuses of the elites ni Gramsci. An korte, police, jail para la protektahan it mga interes han mga ruling elite ug mga riko. Ha kaso ko kan Shalemar ha Mandaluyong City, wara ito nahitabo ha mga kamot ni Esteban Tacla Jr., hasta pa yana kaso ito nga Falsification of Documents ngan Syndicated Estafa. An pagprotektar ko han akon tatay ha Mandaluyong City, para guihapon han proteksyon han mga kablasanon han ira mga katungod, ako an napreso. Hi Neptali Gonzales II, mayor an hadto nga panahon, gumamit hin apparatus para protektahan niya it interes han mga riko (negosyante ha Mandaluyong City) bisan waray pa considerar ug respeto han mga pobre. Dire ito dida natima, duha nga Judge an nag issue hin warrant of arrest ha akon han 2007. Guinpapreso ako han usa nga Judge han 2009. nakagawas ako han 2010.
one or more may argue that my experiences are isolated cases. but i could contest that i am tellin is just my personal experience. i do not mention the other experiences of others and situations that I witnessed in different parts of the philippines. Local governments are the most violators and abusers. The only unique person i have seen in my whole journey is Mayor Sarah Duterte who tried to stop the apparatus of (this time not the ruling elite but of the businessmen- sector which i mentioned earlier to be the controller of the ruling elite). The nationl government's inaction approves and reinforces the abuses. Along my journey, I managed to be a volunteer to groups of progressives after few years in to cooling part from the groups which mislabeled and misjudged me. I never been a Counter revolutionary. Che Guevarra define true revolutionary to be on who is guided with love. We do not agitate but we always wanted to understand things past and present, sectors and their individual dynamics and tried them to understand, strategies and tactics. As Secretary General of an alliance of progressive groups, i tried to understand the membership and tried hard for them to understand as well. But i failed. i tried to establish the clear vision of the alliance to make it walk within necessary trails with appropriate steps. Alliance that has lost its purpose of existence to heavy intervention to activities and causes of of each member-organistaion. It was only the UP Tacloban Economics Professor who has a program which was in line and consistent to the alliance. but it gained no support and remain unpopular. the rest is deviant. Do you imagine our situation (considering our most recent and present experiences) if the movement's struggle succeed? Joma as president or chairman of the Philippines and his pulitburo and KT-KS members will consist the legislative body and cabinet members. since the fall of marcos dictatorship, the progressive intellectuals and comrades managed to occupy the legislative and executive bodies of the Philippines. later on the judiciary. These comradres could be seen still in the ranks of the congressmen -lower house and senate, cabinet and courts and quasi-judicial courts. but are there any changes that we could say truly revolutionry. if joma succeeded, there was loss of multitude lives. the movement broke to tople the government in different forms of struggle. elections, appointment and civil service careerism. a lot succeeded. But where are we now after Marcos era? Abuses of Marcos remain. Injustices remain. Only the faces of the presidents the revolutionised, from marcos face, he turned out to be the housewife of a late senator. then this wife's face changed to a tobacco smoking face and later to a face of a moustached tough face and transform again to a housewife and now a bald nerd-looking or genius-looking president. What happened to the comrdes who made it to the top of the base? Common sense? lack of education? wrong nalysis resulting to wrong strategies and tactics? or wrong set of objectives?
ha kayana? starting ako... ha rania Child Development Center. guin-ngaranan ko ito hin rania (rani agustin) kay bisan wara na masiring nga ha future nga iya ito kay ngaran ko ito mismo. it akon experience kanda shalemar, guinangkon niya it amon kumpanya. nga bisan singko sentimo waray hiya an nagtikang kami. it concept tio akon guihapon. pero nahulat la ako han court order nga ibalik ha akon ngatanan it akon mga documents (which are illegally searched and seized by the Manadaluyong City police, task force and barangay officials), maipapadayon ko na it akon ESTAFA charges against Shalemar ngan makagtikang it AdPact Corporation hin panibag-o nga pacing. Dire puros la greed han salapi. Long term plan ito mag produce hin mga alternative creative commercials, ads, etc. and majoin kami hin motion picture. it will benefit our Child Development Center as well in Film and visual educative media. Ha pagkayana, nadelay ni Satanas it amon charity registration in UK. Our registration is denied due to my address and lack of qualified trustees. We look for other countrie to operate. In fact i am tired, gusto ko na mag parasa rasa ha usa nga island, cruising. pero may duty to my Lord demanded me to move on. ngan waray pa ako wife and children....sanglit sige pa... struggle la guihapon...

Note: SUARA is not the same Suara- Bangsa Moro Party-List in the Philippines and without any relationship or affiliation.