Monday, April 6, 2009

[Im]Pure Politics

If after repeated reminders by the Church to persons in political authorities and they remain to be tyrannic and unjust, Christians are instructed to leave the place but nowadays a massive exodus is not impractical unlike the early Christians who could easily transfer from one place to another because of their little number and properties are easily disposable. The Church functions to edify her members, to persevere and withstand the difficulties and patiently wait for the second coming of Christ Jesus.

Almighty God never fail in His promise. While His people is in journey, He will rise His ministers to execute wrath and make evildoers repay, to execute His vengeance (Roman 13:3-4; 12:19; 16:20).

Revenge is of God. He will render justice. War is inevitable.

As you witness people from different fronts challenge the bad kings, president and local authorities and from them elected new rulers and form new governments or systems.

Thus overthrowing the government or person in position is not a sin against God but this right is a collective right of individuals as memebrs of the society not of the Church. Church though an integral part of the State is not permitted to function politically which is a function of and a part of Ceasar's realm.

Citizens whose ideology includes violence as means of communication and public declaration of protest with the central thesis of are rightful to change or eliminate not just the government system but the whole tyrannic society, to fight against institutions, government apparatuses, and all its members that execute and perpetuate injustices, by all means.

War is inevitable.

Opposite to David Hume, war is of God's justice rendition. But not all wars are of God. Elimination of injustices is God's but wars to preserve the status quo of oppression and modern aggression to expand properties and accumulation of wealth are of Satan.

State governments should recognize the belligerency of groups for the purpose of just and moral struggles for justice.

As long as injustices exist, war will continue. To eliminate belligerency of groups-underground or legitimate government is to restore despotic totalitarianism. War is an element of peace. Peace without war is the authorities, persons in power and rulers' just administration of the state and international relations.

The Church members are righteous to have dual responsibilities—that of Ceasar and of God. However, if the citizens—Christian or non-christians are not capable to carry its struggle (Ephesians 6:12) through all legal avenues including street parliamentarianism, and counted a raise in number of defeats which signifies repeated defeats of Jesus Christ, the Prince, by the kings of Satan, the armed soldiers are called to protect the citizens—the duty where they are called.

The peace once achieve however is temporal, war will rise again because Satan is restless and do everything to destroy the order of justice and peace.

Christiancitizens are prohibited to kill to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and advised to turn the other cheek to offenders- individual or community instead of taking vengeance.

Vengeance is of God...

I tried to focus my insights with pure politics but I failed. Politics could never stand without faith. I am successful however in keeping my faith unadulterated from politics.

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