January 7, 2009
Honorable Prime Minister Ehud Olmert :
I am not an International Laws expert to give comments on the war you are waging against Palestine that claim innocent civilian lives.
I understand your rationality and emotions caused by the pasts and most probably the faith in the God's Promise to Abraham.
It is not also my authority to speak for your faith but the gift of the Holy Spirit is coming to you.
Jerusalem is not of Israel . It is of the Arabs. God created another covenant- a new promise that is not of this world but of heaven that makes that first covenant obsolete or superseded by the new one. (Hebrews 8:1-13, 9: 11-12, 15, Galatians 4:24-26).
Let us stop claiming (or defending)things that are not ours. We are not of this world. We are just transients. Our Kingdom is of God that is in heaven.
Please be reminded of the Teaching that still holds true: "What will profit a man if he owns the whole world but lost his soul?"
I am praying that this could enlighten us and give the Words fulfillment a chance.
God bless.
(Edited version from the Original Letter)
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