The Filipino citizen is rightful to overthrow the social, economic and political order if he/she is experiencing unjust order. Several options or forms or means are available for the elimination of the existing order and establish or transform to a newq one.
Through the members of the House and Senate, a citizen can address the issue or situation for change. Independent media is useful as well as NGO's and PO's. Civil society plays a crucial role in partnership with progressive Congress to a desirable soiciety.
The Philippine Congress has members from different institutions and sectors but dominated by the businessmen and liberals alike. Its communist, and socialist members (Senators, Party-lists and District Representatives) what makes it unique from other legislative bodies worldwide.
The irony is despite of the just and humane Constitution, the Congress could not bring the Philippines to its Constitutional vision. The social, economic and political injustices are becoming aggravated by its legislative laws, policies and programs...and most of the times practice the duties of the Courts and PNP by hearing and investigation of Corruption cases of the government official.
If the Congress failed to carry the aspirations of its constituencies through representation, consultation and participation, and the failure of the Party-lists to represents the marginalized sectors, the citizens could question the act of the Congress through the President's veto power. But the President is in unity with the rubber stamp Congress to enact and implement unjust policies and programs.
The Supreme Court is mandated to determine Constitutionality of the decisions and actions of Congress and the President. But The members of the SC who are mostly appointed by the President affirmed and uphold most of the times the two branches' violations of the constitution with its case laws. SC most of the times is Supreme above the Constitution.
The processes of memeberships of the Philippines in global and international community are made by fraud or abuse of discretion on the part of the President. They do not reflect the democratic principles of from bottom to top through participation and consultation.
The Senate upon concurrence without question to the legality of President or any Cabinet member's participation in (WTO for example) without the resolution of agenda of the Philippines originated from the Congress to be represented to the Agreement, accepted its role to be the rubber stamp of the President.
The defenders of the rigged membership of the Philippines to WTO argued that the Philippine sovereignty is limite by the International Treaties.
The Philippines is notorious in human rights abuses, labor malpractices and child abuse to mention a few but the government does not apply pressure for the strict implementation of the International Treaties on Human Rights, Labor Standards and Child Rights and so on.
The Philippines is really good in adopting and executing policies with monetarey benefits or benefits with money value that reflect in Balance of Payment, GNP and GDP without balancing or corelating to general well being of the Filipino peoples.
Irony. Inconsistent and lovers of money.
It is quite necessary to support the government as long as it acts for the common good-where justice is rendered for its constituency.
But if the government acts as agent of injustices, every citizen has the right and it is his/her duty to go against it. (Roma 13:1-8; I Peter 2:13-15; Galacians 3:28; James 2:1-4, 8-10; Psalms 82:1-7).
It is everyone’s right to dissent from laws and to disobey the government if they go against the public interest.
Submission to laws (particularly Taxation) of present (Philippine)government will reinforce its evil conducts and could build more sophisticated machineries and use broader apparatus to keep the status quo.
The employers are one of the government’s apparatuses to execute its will to the weak and marginalized members of the society by witholding tax from laborers' salaries and wages involuntarily or without approval.
Police and jails are government’s apparatus. If we disobey, we will be imprisoned. And it is better to be in jail than to contribute money (in case of tax) to government’s means to injustice.
Obedience and submission to government is called dutifully if it does not run inconsistent to the will of God.
If the government runs counter to the will of God, then to submit oneself is to submit his/her soul to Satan.
If all available means are exhausted, every citizen is left with the last means available and that is to overthrow the government.
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