Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Business of Politics

The heads of the state and government are ministers of God. Their power and election by God extended to the governors, his bureaucrats and all the members of government and expected to exercise the administration of justice for the sake of the citizens. If they failed to discharge their duties, they are no longer ministers of God but deputies of Satan.

Citizens of democratic country elected their rulers by casting votes as a formal delegation of power to rule and administer. The power in trust is for the citizens' welfare and interest anot for the elected rulers sake and interest (just like the agents of Corporation, see the Politics of Business). The will of God for the people to live a quiet and peaceful lives is manifested in people's aspiration of the same in choosing their candidate. With this, the ruler is made God-elect.

Citizens are duty-bound to initiate, intervene, and cooperate in the administration of justice to attain peace. And God has no favorite country and accepts anyone who fears (obey) Him and He desires all men to be saved.

The government and citizens with common goal of justice and peace are not nearsighted to see their duty as a state to other nations. The "love your neighbors" obligation shall be recognized as basic principle for international relations and not just limited to domestic affairs. And love does no harm to neighbors but help, serve, cooperate to one another instead of using freedom as an opportunity for profit making and earthly ambitions.

For further reading: Impure Politics
The Politics and Religion in this blog.

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