Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christian Communism

Some of us are not exposed or with little awareness of political and social ideologies. This framework is not mainly from the politics of the Communism based on Marx, Lenin, Mao, Trotsky and any other political thinkers and philosophers.
This is not about the political ”left” or “right”, extreme or moderate, orthodox Marxism or revisionism, reformist or revolutionist, neither reaffirmist or rejectionist.

We may mention some ideas along the way of reading, digesting, internalizing this and formulating thoughts and strategies that is similar to them (unless mentioned) but not necessarily intended to ignore nor not giving them due credit and acknowledgement but to emphasize the teachings of Christ.

The Christian Communism is a social ideology based on Christian beliefs, teachings and aspirations.

Before we elaborate any further, however, it is important to know the correct definition of Communism. Enemies of political communists and communism misled much of the learners, and observers of national and international political order.
Communism is erroneously defined to favor the interests of wealthy people who managed to power-broke if not occupied the key government positions. It is mixed with terrifying qualifiers and descriptions to discourage support, belief and sympathy of the peoples. Anti-communism defined it as authoritarianism, totalitarian, in the Philippines it is defined as NPA (New People’s Army) and in the heights of Al-Qaeda’s popularity, the wealth accumulators took advantage of the time by tagging the Communism as terrorism and communists as terrorists.

Let us take a definition from a dictionary for at least to make our individual knowledge and orientation level.

What is Communism?

Communism, according to a dictionary, is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole...( )

From this definition, please remember the phrase “…holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole..” a system prevailing in a social organization or society which is commonly known Communism. It is obvious that there is no private property but common property which is ascribed to the community as a whole. In capitalism, property ownership is on the hands of private individual or group.

For Karl Marx it is, both social and political in nature that aims for a classless and stateless society constructed upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, and the end of wage labour whereas, labour sector would no longer be motivated to work by monetary or material incentives, and the social classes that existed under capitalism ( and socialism) will disappear, and each man contributes according to his or her ability but consumes according to his or her needs; and abolition [Aufhebung] of private property. (;

It is a movement that molds or encourages, in other words a general strategy, aimed to a classless and stateless society which is also based in common ownership. But specify the means of production which include land, capital/machineries and technologies and materials. It also clarifies that common ownership does not end to means of production but the outputs ( basic goods and services)are also owned commonly which access is free and not for sale in exchange of money and salaries and wages are put to an end. Since all things are owned by all citizens or members of the community, and they work for free, they could get all their basic necessity for free without limits according to their families’ needs. This includes the free shelter as private property of real estate is put to an end as well.
It is concluded that an structured society has ended where propertied people or class with control of the properties and means are superior, conscious or not conscious, over the unpropertied. There will be no more employers neither employees, rich or poor. First class nor second class which exists whether we admit it or not, legislated or not, discrimination and unjust treatment is a reality nowadays. Classless society will put in place as private ownership is abolished.

Marx also aims for stateless society which interpreted with varied strategies by different political thinkers and leaders. It must be noted however that it is not communism alone struggling with such vision but capitalism as well.

Now let us take a look at Christian Communism.

It envisions a community or society (does not necessarily national or totalitarian) that is also structured based on equality and stateless philosophy.

Egalitarian Christianity

Christian Communism is not taught by Jesus Christ neither of Apostles. The historical and Biblical accounts show that we are instructed to “ our neighbors..”

Apostle Paul teaches us how to be just with one another. He promoted equality among the followers of Christ and suggests the equitable distribution of wealth. Paul teachings provided a solution to poverty. (II Corinthians 8:13-14, 15)

It is not good for a Christian to be selfish and greedy. God hates such kind of people as written by Apostle John, and he stressed that love should not be a lip service but with actions and in truth. And that is not limited to people whom they personally know but to strangers as well. (I John 3:17-18; III John 1:5)

Does Christianity aim for a stateless society?

Yes. It is important to know first that, we, Christians, are taught to be thankful to kings (or presidents as time changes titles) for us may live in peaceful and quiet lives. We are instructed by the Lord to submit ourselves to authorities for they are established by God. (ITim2:1-2; Romans13:4-15.)

But Apostle Paul reminded us the limitations of being submissive to government if the government ceased to do its duties according to God’s will ”(f)or our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (I Peters 2:13-17; Ephesians 6: 12)

However, Jesus Christ and Apostles do not teach us to rebel against any government (a component of a society to call it a state) neither call for its abolition.

It is predicted through the Holy Spirit by Apostle Paul that He has put an end all dominion or rule, authority and power for Jesus Christ to hand over the Kingdom to Almighty God. (I Corinthians 15:24-25)

There comes a time, when a community or society will be free from government jurisdiction, authority –laws and regulations, and force, a stateless society will be realised.

Paul the Apostle teaches us to love our neighbor—help one another, teach one another and other commandments by faith in Jesus Christ not by the virtue of legislated and executed laws by the government. Government Laws, regulations, force, intimidation, and suppression are just for the offenders to correct the misbehaviours and just for a little time while the transgressors are in training as tutees for them to make good works habits out of love. If these selfless good works are made habits then laws and government ceased to exist in our lives. (Gal.2:16,3:19, 23-24 25-26; Romans 13:9-10)

Classless and Stateless society is predicted to happen by Marx through the dictatorship of the proletariat but he forgot to consider the attitude of individual, commons sense and tendencies. As Antonio Gramci’s analysis, proletariat (workers)are working to keep the status quo for they see the status of the elites (capitalists and government bureaucrats)as good and standard of the society.

Proletariat work hard to be in elites’ status.

Nowadays, it is not just the proletariat but almost everyone from all different sectors (class) perceived the same despite of different generations and experienced oppressions have passed.

Peoples, especially Christians, must obey the Bible teachings. We all are required not to seek our own good, but the good of others. We are bound to help one another, show concerns and act for others for we are one and no one is independent from the others. We are obligated to others’ interests, discouraged to be with conflict but to be united as one and equal without discrimination.( I Corinthians 10:24; 12:14-25, 26) Collectivity is given priority than individuality but autonomy (as individual functions are used) of individuals remains for the common good and not for oneself. One’s gift including the material wealth, but I emphasized with human capital must be used to serve others. Intellectual abilities to create convenience, improvements of way of life must be concretised and create outputs to serve others not as profiteers but a faithful stewards of God. And in giving one’s gift for others interests, one should not count his or her contribution and compare to others. (I Peter 4:10; Galatians 6:4,5; I Corinthians 12:4-5)

Variants of Communism with different strategies are based in different political nexus and paradigms and that confuse and misled and keep astray from where they should be, the many. But we servants of Christ should demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and be a good example of obedience for us to continue in our journey to communism…to our freedom. But freedom to help one another and not to take advantage and exploit one another. This freedom is freedom from oppressive and suppressive system and individual-self thoughts, attitudes and desires of being wealthy, powerful, authority, and superior class over the others that is harmful for others. This freedom is freedom from flesh but captive of the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 10:5; Gal 5:13-14, 15-17; Romans 13:9-10.)

The common problem of the variants of Communists is the absence of recognition to Gramsci’s analysis. The Vanguard Party of Lenin.., Red Army of Mao and others’ considered leaders or redeemers of the masses from tyrannical clout of capitalism are describable as the class with Gramci’s Proletariats’ common sense .

Collective leadership is encouraged through the Spirit within individual citizen by learning to devote ourselves to do what is good. (Galatians 5:18; Titus 3:14)

But leaderships must come with knowledge and understanding. One with the gift of ability to teach must teach, ability to heal must heal and so on. (I Corinthians 12:4-5)

Organic Intellectuals’ role will bring us to our aspiration but it must be based on and guided by the requirements of Jesus Christ for the Holy Spirit to lead His peoples. Whoever in that role and everyone are reminded to do the tasks with humility.(Philippians 2:3-11; James 4:4-6; Galatians 6:4-6)

If anyone among us failed to work in humility and with other requirements of Jesus Christ, we will find ourselves in disorder and evil practice and again the state will exist again to intervene. (James 3:13-18)

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